Course Outline
This is an introductory course in beer education designed for beer enthusiasts interested in furthering their beer knowledge and interest in beer. The focus will be on brewing ingredients & processes, ,beer tasting concepts, pouring & serving beer, draught beer system basics, beer and food pairings. Please note that Level 1 is a pre-requisite for Level 2.
Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate a clear understanding of brewing ingredients
Cost: Class $500 | Online $300 Other: Passing grade is 70% on the final test (which includes 80 multiple choice questions) Classroom sessions are 3 hours per class once a week for 4 weeks Online is self directed learning with 30 day access to the online beer education modules. |
Register hereCourse Content
Brewing Ingredients Brewing Process Beer Tasting & Sensory Evaluation Beer Styles & Beer Categorization Beer History Glassware Basics and Culture Glassware Handling Draught Beer Basics Pouring & Serving Beer Beer & Food |