Level 2 Beer Specialist
This course is designed and developed for Beer Specialists who wish to take their beer knowledge to another level. The focus is to provide more detailed insights into brewing ingredients and processes, draught beer systems, beer and food pairings while introducing a more detailed approach brewing history. This program continues to develop beer sensory skills.
Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate the essential knowledge required to explain the key components of beer
Cost: Classroom $900| Online $700 Classroom sessions are 3 hours per class once a week for 10 weeks Online class includes 10 weeks access to the online beer learning modules |
Register hereCourse Content
Brewing Ingredients Brewing Process Beer Tasting & Sensory Evaluation | 20 styles Beer Styles & Beer Categorization Beer History - Global and Local Craft Beer Insights Glassware Shapes Off Flavours / Defects Introduction Draught Beer Components Draught Beer Dispense Gas Beer Insights & Trends Beer & Food Pairings Beer Category Management Profitability Course Evaluation Methods
6 multiple choice/short answer tests, 3 assignments, and final exam (all must be completed) Grading: Test 1,2,3,4,5,6 5% each Tasting Notes Assignment 20% Beer & Food Assignment 10% Beer & Cheese Assignment 10% Beer & Food Assignment 10% Final Exam (60 questions) 30% |